6pcs yolks, hard cooked egg
2 tbsps. mayonaise
1 tsp. salt
2 tsps. lemon or calamansi juice
6 pcs yolks, hard cooked egg
2 tbsps. mayonaise
2 tbsps. anchovies,mashed
1/2 c. chopped shrimps or crab meat marinated in lemon juice or french dressing
2 tbsps. mayonaise
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. mustard
1 clove of garlic mashed
2 pkgs cream cheese
2 tbpss. cream or undiluted Evaporated Milk
Rub bowl with the garlic. MAsh the cream cheese and Evaporated Milk together. Add one(1) of the following; or, if you wish you may try a combination:
1 tbsp. finely chopped onions
1 tbsp. lemon juice or dayap juice with some grated rind
1/3 c. chopped crisp bacon
2 tsps. anchovy, mashed (wash anchovy with warm water. Add slice of lemon as garnishing.)
1/2 c. grated Queso de Bola and /or 2 tbsps. chopped Pimientos Morrones (canned red peppers).
Mix one or two of the above suggested ingredients to chilled creamcheese mixture. Serve with dianty cuts of toast or cracker.I prefer to allow guests to make thier own canapes as the toast or cracker get soft and soagy if prepared ahead of time. Simply prepare dips or filling and surround with butter toast and cracker. If canapes are to be served at once, you may spread the cream mixture but butter the toast or cracker first. This helps prevent a soagy toast.
SERVINGS: Good for 4-5 persons
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